Recently, while in Ghana, our team had the opportunity to dedicate a new water well in the village of Zang near Yendi in northern Ghana. This dedication was special because it was dedicated in memory of Donald Lentz - a leader with a vision of service for impacting communities.
U.S. Team
Our team from the United States was composed of Tom Chisholm (Board Member – Kansas City, KS), Bob Chisholm (Dallas, TX), Mark Nienhouse (Traverse City, MI), Shelby Helms (Gardner, KS), Colton Scott and myself. The central focus of this recent trip to Ghana was to conduct training seminars related to well drilling worker safety, well water dedications, evangelism workshops and work to develop additional continued cooperation in the focus area of Yendi in northern Ghana.
Vision and Leadership
Donald Lentz, with the cooperation with his fellow elders at Fairfield church of Christ, was able to make a difference at the right time. Donald was instrumental in making the decision that every fifth Sunday the contribution at Fairfield would be used toward the mission effort in Ghana. Donald recently passed away after a short battle with cancer – a tragic disease that affects and changes the course of lives for so many that we love. Because of his love for outreach, the water well in Zang has been dedicated in memory of Donald Lentz.

Providing First Buckets
By participating in that decision through faith, the lives of so many have been changed for the good because of having clean well water in the village of Zang. It is amazing what can happen when you have people who live their lives with a vision of change for the good of our fellow man. For a small congregation of about 75 members, this was a big financial decision that was made as the result of faithful people of service working to glorify God. Now, close to six hundred people will have clean, fresh drinking water every day in Zang. This well also provides drinking water for Zang Middle School, which previously used dirty water collected by the students after walking up to 6 miles a day to collect it.
We Can Make a Difference
You may think there is very little that you can do to change the lives of people. But once you begin to have a vision of what you can do in your own circumstances, people’s lives around you can be empowered to help themselves. Sometimes all we need is a little help along the way and then we can make it. Donald Lentz had a vision of helping others and that is the embodiment of who we are at GWAM. We are working through the vision to help change the lives of so many that need a little help and they can do the rest.
Find a Way—Get Involved
We hope that you would choose to help us with this vision. A donation of only $100.00 monthly can provide water for 35 people in northern Ghana every day. Please help by visiting us at www.gwam.org and donate or call us at 501-278-5887 and ask how you can help.
Thank you for helping us with that vision!