There is exciting news about COSTECH that I want to share with you. I see the hand of God in this believing He labors to accomplish His plans using men and women to complete them.
In July, a large group of us went to Ghana to do several things. We worked in the COSTECH school, teaching children and teachers. We worked with the well drillers. We also did a clinic trying to give a physical to all the children who were going from 6th grade to 7th. There were over 2,000 of these students in the Yendi area, but we were only able to see 1270. Also, five of our group presented a seminar for the science teachers who teach in the secondary schools in and around Yendi. There were about 180 teachers who attended.
The Bank of Ghana Partnership
As a result of these various works, the daily papers and the television news people interviewed some of us and our work was shown and written about all over the country of Ghana. The Chairman of the Bank of Ghana, who is akin to our Secretary of the Treasury and the Bank of Ghana like our Treasury Department, saw the news and was impressed. Each year the Board of the bank goes somewhere in Ghana to see what the bank can do to help. This year they chose to go to Yendi and included a visit to COSTECH.
New Administrative Building
As you know, the school has only been open for three years, it’s a struggle to accommodate the children and feed them every day, let alone pay the teachers and provide the various things needed to operate. But because of your generous help things are moving forward and bills are getting paid. The Board was very impressed with the growth of the school and as a result they have decided to build the Administration Building. They asked to see a copy of the blueprints for the building. The Headmaster got the blueprints and the Board looked them over. When they had finished they were actually frowning a bit as they handed them back. “Your plans are too small,” the Chairman said. “We want you to go to the University of Ghana and see their Administration Building and have plans drawn up similar to that building.” Needless to say, everyone was amazed and very happy with this.
Furnishing Science Lab
The new building will cost...well, we don’t know yet, but believe it will be over $500,000.00. In addition, the Chairman told the Headmaster to choose three of the brightest students and he would personally pay for their schooling all the way through university. Not to be outdone, the Vice Chairman said that he would completely furnish the science lab, but that it had to be according to plans made by professionals including teachers, professors and architects. Surely God sent the Board to Yendi and to COSTECH and we praise His name for His intervention. We are looking forward to the beginning of the construction and will praise His name mightily for these wonderful gifts.
Oh yes, the Board also said they were going to adopt COSTECH and help in many more ways through the years!