Recently Kent Chambers (GWAM Board Member) and Gordon Gaenzle from Austin Texas traveled to northern Ghana to assess programs directly related to the well program that GWAM oversees in Yendi. During their visit, they had the opportunity to visit with local evangelists and community leaders in the Yendi area.
New Well in Dunni
Recently, Duuni Village received a new well fitted with a hand pump. The well (“bore hole”) was successfully completed and should easily provide clean water to the entire village. The drought in the northern region has been severe. The drought, coupled with the fact that Duuni gets all of its water for drinking and cleaning from a pond that they share with the animals, has made the circumstances more severe.
What a wonderful way to glorify God through the church at Dunni—composed of about 150 members—by helping them to have an adequate means of fresh water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. In addition, this well is just a very short walk for most who call Dunni home. The well will be a HUGE blessing to the people and save many from sickness and death.
Radio Savannah Update….
Radio Savannah is a popular government radio station that broadcasts out of Tamale on two FM channels. The station reaches all of the Northern Region including Yendi and the whole of the surrounding area, i.e. the Dagbon Kingdom.
Many people call and seek out information regarding Christianity after hearing the program. One example happened recently. A few days after Kent and Gordon returned to the States, the Radio Savannah evangelist contacted Kent to tell him that a Ghanaian army general, General Joshua Mohammed Amidu, called to request a meeting to discuss Christianity. General Amidu has retired and moved from Accra to Yendi.
The General had heard the program and wanted to meet Andrews, one of the local evangelist, at his house. It was discovered during the conversation that General Amidu was, at one time, the equivalent to the US Secretary of Defense. This is just an example of the impact of Project Radio Savannah in northern Ghana.

Helping Rebuild a Once Islamic School
In partnership with Ghana Education Services (GES) - for the Yendi and Sang Districts - Kent and Gordon distributed World Bible School lessons in order to teach Christianity to about 10,000 students (90% Muslim) - ages 14-22. This partnership allows the effort to be implemented on a once every two years basis.
In addition, with private funding, they were able to donate the resources to rebuild a building, which at one time was an Islamic school. The GES headmaster and one of the teachers (pictured above) met with them and were very grateful.
Kent mentioned that it is their prayer that these acts of love will resonate and continue to open doors in the Muslim communities in northern Ghana.
Thanks to Kent and Gordon for their hard work as well as
all those who support these efforts!!