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Giving Honor—Christian and Elizabeth Nsoah

One of the exciting things about doing the work in Ghana is being able to honor those who are most worthy of honor. The picture above shows Christian Nsoah (left) shaking the hand of the Regent (the acting Chief of all of the Dagbon people—more than 500,000). Shaking the chief’s hand is an honor, but that’s not what’s so special about Christian and his wife Lizzie.


Dedicated their lives to spreading the gospel in northern Ghana

The two of them have dedicated their lives to spreading the gospel in northern Ghana. Christian has mentored a couple dozen men, established several hundred congregations and baptized thousands of people. Because of his work and desire to help the people of northern Ghana we were introduced to the water problem in the north. It was Christian who took us to Wenchiki in 1987 to see the struggle the people there were having. That was where we first saw the Guinea Worms and we actually realized that millions of people were drinking such terribly contaminated water.

It was through Christian’s encouragement that we started the Rural Water Development Program (RWDP). Because of Christian’s preaching and teaching in the villages where we were able to drill wells, tens of thousands of people have given their lives to Christ. Forty-seven churches were established in totally Muslim villages and all those who have chosen Christ were former Muslims.

Visit from Dr. Joey Tilton to Yendi

My son, Dr. Joey Tilton, also in the picture above was in Ghana recently to visit his daughter, my granddaughter, Ashlyn who has been working in Ghana for the past several months, teaching at COSTECH. While there, Joey, Nathaniel Adams and his son Nathaniel Junior, along with some of the evangelists took Christian and Lizzie to the village of Gondogu in order to dedicate the recently drilled well in their honor. There was a big celebration that included drumming and dancing, as well as a speech or two, some prayers and the placing of a plague onto the hand pump. The plaque told the people that it was because of Christian and Lizzie that their well was there. Needless to say, the people were pleased to meet and greet them.

Still working to advance the gospel

Christian, now in his 70’s, is not able to make the many trips he used to make, but he is still deeply involved with encouraging and praying for the men and women who are working hard to help the people and teach them the good news about Jesus.

Praise God for people like them!

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