Children in Yendi Municipal District - Northern Region, Ghana
At Ghana West Africa Missions (GWAM), as a cooperative effort, we value the principle of unity to create partnerships to demonstrate the love of God by helping alleviate suffering to those in northern Ghana.
This unifying principle has lead to drilling over 1000 wells in northern Ghana to the assisting close to 2.5 million people in having the dignity of clean water.
Short History
In 1987, little well drilling had been conducted in northern Ghana. As the result of missionary efforts by the church of Christ in northern Ghana, it was discovered that water quality and sanitation was a serious issue that needed addressing.
After seeing the suffering and feeling compassion, The Traverse City (Michigan) church of Christ decided to help the people of northern Ghana to have clean, contaminant-free water to drink, wash and cook. They got together to raise funds, hoping to drill three wells in a village called Wenchiki, which had a population of over 2,000 people.
At the end of an initial campaign, they had raised over $85,000.00 - not just enough to drill three wells, but 15 wells for the suffering people in northern Ghana. While Traverse City was raising funds, the people of Ghana were searching for someone to drill the wells.
Initially, a partnership was established with World Vision International to assist in drilling the wells. At that point, it was decided to start a non-profit organization that was providing resources, equipment and the technical expertise to drill wells. Equipment was purchased and a partnership was developed with UNICEF to conduct the work to help alleviate suffering of the people of Ghana - especially women and children.
New Well Dedication in Panduli Village - Yendi Municipal District - Northern Region, Ghana
GWAM - Ghana West Africa Missions (501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization)
Since 1987, almost 1,000 wells have been drilled and more than 2,500 wells have been refurbished, cleaned and rebuilt. The result of this is that almost 2.5 million people have been given clean water to drink and creating sustainability - along with opportunity and hope.
Today, we are known as GWAM (Ghana West Africa Missions) working with the Church of Christ - Rural Water Development Program (RWDP) in Ghana. The Ghana Home Office is located in Tema, Ghana, with a field office in Yendi, Ghana - base of field operations. We continue to raise funds and resources to provide hope, a better life and sustainability for the people of northern Ghana.

Well Dilling in Yendi Muncipal District - Northern Region, Ghana
While partnering with UNICEF, UNHCR, USAID and other organizations such as churches, universities, and government and non-government agencies; the infant mortality rate in the villages where wells have been drilled has dropped nearly 20%. In addition, water systems and latrines (restrooms) have been built for 35 rural schools, making it possible for children, especially the girls and women to have privacy and safety.