Improving Education
COSTECH is unique for many reasons. Primarily, COSTECH is the only science and technology boarding school in the Yendi area, which provides great opportunity for the children from predominately Muslim backgrounds that, would normally not have such an opportunity. It has a computer lab (composed of approximately 30 desktop computers), a science lab with microscopes equipped with slides, anatomy and physiology equipment. All these elements work together with a focus on developing individuals with future sustainability in mind for their communities.
This effort is peace building as well as educational for community stability and sustainability.

By God’s grace and the help of many of you, the junior/senior high school, which began in Sep-tember 2013 with just the 7th grade and 50 students, now has both 7th and 8th grade and 90 students. Over 50 of the students are sponsored by you, but there are still several who need a sponsor.

Just $35.00 per month will sponsor a child and will go a long, long way toward providing an excellent education for him or her.
If you will help, we will assign a student to you; provide their name, picture and a little information about them, as well as an address where you can write them.
Please contact us to sponsor a child for the future.