Currently in Ghana, West Africa working alongside Ghana West Africa Missions ( - a well water project providing clean water to those in remote northern Ghana.

After traveling much in Ghana over the past several years, I have had the opportunity to travel to most all regions. I can’t recall a place like the District Capital called Yendi—Still the Capital of the Ancient Dagbon Kingdom.
Yendi is a special place for several reasons: ancient history, remoteness, poverty, great need for potable water, lack of sanitization and predominantly Muslim. As a result, Yendi is a difficult place to work – from a humanitarian and evangelical perspective. However, the spirit of the Church in Yendi and the surrounding areas is impressive. Especially with considerations to the adversities and challenges they face on a daily basis in this hard place.
One day, recently, we had an opportunity to visit with Chief Adams in Kuga. Chief Adams is from a Muslim background; however, he is a now Christian and an asset to the Church in Kuga as a result of his position. The visit gave us the chance to stop by his residence to greet him and to encourage the Church.
As we entered his quarters, he was sitting with Islamic Village Elders at his side, which is typical in the upper Northern Region of Ghana. They all welcomed us and clapped as we individually greeted the Chief. Christian Nsoah, one of the original 5 Elders to be put into service in Ghana, stated that the Church is doing well in Yendi as the result of peace and unitypromoted by building partnerships through providing clean water to villages. In turn, the Chief went on to say, “…in this area, the Church has made a name for itself.” I’m reminded of Paul’s teaching to the Church in Corinth when he teaches that he was allowing himself to become appealing to all cultures, races, tribes, nations, levels of spiritual maturity and all religions . Paul continues saying, “…I might by all means save some…..”(1 Cor. 9:18-23).
What an impacting wonderful message of challenge for us all in the Church today – to be changed by the demonstration of the love of Christ in us that ultimately makes a far reaching difference in those around us.