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Clean Water Brings Smiles: Nsojah Village

As the heavy rain fell, in June 2016, GWAM along with a mission team visited Nsojah Village in northern Ghana to dedicate a new water well, conduct a medical screening and to deliver much needed clothing to those living in extreme poverty in this rural village community in northern Ghana.

Water Well

This effort was made possible by partnerships and the generous donations of many living in the United States who see the need and have the vision of helping those in much need in far off places. The crew of the RWDP (Rural Water Development Program – Church of Christ) determined Nsojah Village was a community that was in much need of a clean water well. It is not uncommon in the dry season for women and children in village communities to walk up to five miles or more to collect water for drinking, cooking and washing as part of their daily routine.

Walking long distances to collect water can also affect the health of the whole family, particularly children. Most often the water is contaminated with fecal bacteria which is consumed during drinking. This, in turn, increases the risk of diarrheal disease, which according to UNICEF, is a leading cause of chronic malnutrition, stunting of growth and the 4th leading cause of death among children under 5 resulting in 300,000 deaths per year. Because of poor sanitation, poor hygiene or unsafe drinking water the children, especially, are always in danger of sickness and death.

In an effort to help relieve such suffering, and as a result of GWAM and RWDP’s project partnership, this new well in Nsojah Village will now provide water for 2,000 people per day in this often dry place of northern Ghana.

Village Medical Screening

In addition to helping provide much needed clean water, GWAM also conducted a mobile medical screening program in partnership with Ghana Health Services (GHS) and Fairfield church of Christ (Moulton, AL). The focus of the screening was to assess basic health care needs in a village where the majority of the people do not have an opportunity to get medical assistance – as a result of poverty and isolation. Most of the illnesses observed during the medical screening were related to gastro-intestinal issues – probably the result of not having an adequate supply of clean drinking water. During the screening, GHS kept records of the patients screened, so that follow-up could be conducted in the future by health care professionals. These records also provide baseline information so that progress could be measured in the days to come.

Dresses and Shirts Given

In America, it is easy to take for granted the importance of clothing. That is, most everyone we know has access to basic clothing to wear as they go about their day. It was recently noted when we distributed hand-made dresses to the girls and shirts to the boys in Nsojah Village, how much dignity clothing provided – even in a village setting in rural West Africa. This element of the effort was conducted in partnership with West Side church of Christ (Searcy, AR), Fairfield church of Christ (Moulton, AL), and Nsojah church of Christ.

These dresses were generously hand-made by ladies in Searcy, Arkansas and Houghton Lake, Michigan. As the clothing was given to the children, one could see how the children brightened up as they wore and looked at each other’s new, clean clothes. In our eyes, this is such a small thing, but to these children it was a big thing to have a new dress or shirt.

The Impact

At times, it seems as if we forget what we have. All it takes is just seeing the importance of looking around us and taking note of the suffering that exists in the world. Of course, teaching the gospel is an important part of our focus as believers; however, living the gospel can also accomplish great things. Jesus said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father….” (John 14:12). By helping provide clean water, medical care and clothing – in partnership with you as donors and local communities in the field - we are striving to do “greater works” as servants in the kingdom to develop solutions and expand the boarders of His goodness.

Thank you for your continued partnership!

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