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GWAM Helping Schools by Providing Clean Water

The Rural Water Development Program (RWDP) of the church of Christ (COC) in partnership with Ghana West Africa Missions (GWAM) is providing the Saint Vincent College of Education in Yendi with a water well and transmission pipes to serve approximately 177 school students. This will help ensure better education and learning for the future of northern Ghana.

Producing 12,000 Gallons per day of Clean Water

This water facility, together with another well system, which was installed by GWAM and RWDP last year in cooperation with the Regent of Dagbon, Kampakuya Na Yakubu Abdulai Andani, have a combined capacity to produce 12,000 gallons of clean fresh water daily to help the children and their parents in these communities. The provision of the two clean water supply facilities will help provide the water and sanitation needs of the approximately 177 students and staff of the College - as well as the nearby Gumani community, which are yet to be connected to the Yendi Ghana Water Company system.

At the school dedication ceremony, Mr. Nathaniel Adams, Jr. also mentioned that RWDP with GWAM also provided two mechanized water facilities last year at the cost $29,000, which supplies over 94,000 gallons of potable water a day for the people of Yendi and the surrounding communities. This will potentially provide the water needs of more than 1500 families per day.


GWAM Creating Solutions

Mr. Adams announced that the RWDP and GWAM have plans to drill more water wells in the Yendi Municipality to help solve the perennial water problems in the area, which affect the health and learning of so many children in these village communities.

Mr. Adams, who is also the founder of 7As COSTECH College of Science and Technology made a considerable donation to support the St. Vincent College of Education in the purchase of its kitchen equipment, library books and furniture.

In addition, RWDP and GWAM dedicated a well in January 2016 in the village community of Wambung, in the Northern Region of Ghana, which will serve approximately 90 children in the primary school - established by the Christian Children’s Fund of Canada. Also, the water well will serve countless women and children in the surrounding villages.

This will relieve the students from having to walk for miles to collect bacteria filled water during the dry season. Now, they can spend more time learning and are much less likely to suffer sickness from water contamination.


Valuing Children and Learning

Christ was asked who would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven by his disciples in Matthew 18. His response was that if we do not become like little children, we can “never” enter the Kingdom of heaven. Therefore, helping school children acquire the resources for better education is a major focus of what we do and who we are at GWAM.

It has often been said that children are the engine of change in any culture. Perhaps in many ways, that is what Christ was saying in Matthew 18. We value the idea that through basic resources and effort, children are empowered to better their communities - which eventually leads to hope and opportunity for all.

Participating in this message is truly a great method of the church continuing to demonstrate the gospel on a global level.

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